Beispielsätze zum Past Progressive
In diesem Artikel findest Du viele Satzbeispiele in der englischen Zeitform Past Progressive. Du kannst (als Kommentar) selbst Sätze hinzufügen und Deine Sätze dann von anderen überprüfen lassen. So kannst Du ganz einfach Englisch lernen und andere von Deinem Wissen profitieren lassen. Teile diesen Artikel doch mit Deinen Freunden und Klassenkameraden. Dann haben viele in der nächsten Klassenarbeit etwas davon.
Ein paar Satzbeispiele im Past Progressive:
Positive Sätze im Past Progressive:
I was watching TV while my parents were sitting outside.
I was playing the guitar and my mother was listening to it.
I was running around the lake.
They were reading a book about the United States.
Anita was searching for her pencil-case.
Kim was visiting all churches in Edinburgh.
Mrs Smith was teaching English.
Carsten was having a shower.
Kerstin and Paul were working at a bakery.
They were watching TV the whole evening.
She was writing a letter to her boyfriend.
He was waiting in front of the cinema.
10 Negative Sätze im Past Progressive:
We weren’t swimming in the lake on the last day of my holidays.
My aunt was not feeding the ducks.
He was not driving the car.
She was not painting a picture.
Simon and Kate were not walking through the park.
Kim was not working at a supermarket in her holidays.
The children were not swimming in the lake.
Juliane was not dancing in the gymnasium.
Jennifer was not waiting at the café.
They were not eating fish for dinner.
I was not riding my bike.
10 Positive Fragen im Past Progressive:
Was Cindy wearing a pretty skirt?
Why was your sister crying?
Were they having lunch in the restaurant?
Where were they buying their food?
With whom was Peter dancing at the party?
Were they playing games?
Who was buying flowers?
Where were you sleeping?
What was Kim repairing?
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10 Negative Fragen im Past Progressive:
Wasn’t it raining the whole day?
Why wasn’t Simon dancing with Tania yesterday evening?
Weren’t they having lunch at the restaurant?
Why wasn’t she swimming in the sea?
Why wasn’t Rachel wearing her new dress?
Weren’t you dancing?
Wasn’t Lisbeth drinking coffee?
Weren’t they cycling to school?
Weren’t your grandparents growing vegetables?
Weren’t Alex and Julia doing the shopping?
Selbstverständlich gibt es auf meinem Blog auch eine ausführliche Erklärung zur Bildung und Verwendung der englischen Zeitform Past Progressive sowie
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