Beispielsätze zum Present Perfect Progressive
In diesem Artikel findest Du Satzbeispiele in der englischen Zeitform Present Perfect Progressive. Du kannst selbst über das Kommentarfeld Sätze hinzufügen und sie dann von anderen überprüfen lassen. So kannst Du ganz einfach Englisch lernen und andere für die nächste Klassenarbeit von Deinem Wissen profitieren lassen.
Ein paar Satzbeispiele im Present Perfect Progressive:
10 Positive Sätze im Present Perfect Progressive:
They have been waiting in the café.
She has been reading a book.
We have been living in Berlin for a long time.
Susi has been waiting for her boyfriend since 4 o’clock.
She has been playing table tennis.
They have been waiting in front of the school.
She has been reading a book since 3 o’clock.
Joe has been taking photos his whole holiday.
I’ve been sleeping all day long.
You have already been watching TV the whole day!
10 Negative Sätze im Present Perfect Progressive:
She hasn’t been playing the guitar since she was 7 years old.
Richard hasn’t been learning English for three years.
Our teacher has not been teaching at a university.
We have not been drinking alcohol at the party.
John and Peter have not been riding their bikes since school started.
The kids have not been horse-riding.
He has not been learning for the test.
My dad has not been painting the house.
The sun has not been shining since Monday.
My mother has not been cooking lunch.
[adinserter name=“nur-tablet-mobile-ebook“]
10 Positive Fragen im Present Perfect Progressive:
How long has she been waiting for him?
Has she been sleeping the whole morning?
How long have they been looking for a new car?
Have the children been sleeping on the cold floor?
How long have your neighbours been living here?
Have you been swimming in the river?
Why have they been arguing for hours?
Have you been worrying about me all night long?
Has Carmen been feeding the horses?
Has he been following her for hours?
[adinserter name=“Extremer Nerver“]
10 Negative Fragen im Present Perfect Progressive:
Haven’t Peter and Simon been playing chess?
Haven’t they been hiking in the mountains?
Hasn’t Sarah been decorating her room?
Hasn’t John been washing his father’s car?
Why haven’t Craig and Susan been horseriding in the mountains?
Haven’t you been missing me?
Hasn’t she been surfing since eight o’clock?
Haven’t they been exploring the Grand Canyon since last Friday?
Hasn’t Jane been working in the garden since the morning?
Haven’t Jim and Helen been playing cards?
Wenn Du Dir einmal unsicher bist, ob die Grammatik Deiner Hausaufgaben richtig ist, kannst Du Deine Sätze (im Present Perfect Progressive!) als Kommentar eintragen und wir kümmern uns dann um die Überprüfung. Bitte beachte jedoch, dass ich nicht den ganzen Tag vor dem Monitor sitzen kann. – Habe etwas Geduld UND teile diesen Artikel mit Deinen Freunden und Klassenkameraden. – Dann haben viele etwas davon und es geht schneller mit der Überprüfung Deiner Sätze.