Beispielsätze zum going to future
Auf dieser Seite habe ich für Dich Sätze im going to future zusammengestellt, damit Du Dich anhand der Beispiele ein wenig in dieses Grammatikthema der englischen Sprache einarbeiten kannst und gut auf Übungen, Tests und Klassenarbeiten in der Schule vorbereitet bist. Dabei habe ich in vielen Sätzen auch die Signalwörter für das going to future verwendet.
Ein paar Satzbeispiele zum going to future:
10 Positive Sätze im going to future:
Next week his Maths teacher is going to teach PE in the gymnasium too.
I am goingt to sleep longer in the next holidays.
We are going to have bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorrow morning.
Catherine is going to wear a pretty dress at school.
They are going to visit a museum.
I am going to dance on the stage next month.
Your guinea pig is going to run away!
I am going to dance with Jenny at the prom (Abschlussball).
We are going to collect rubbish in the forest.
Simone is going to have a baby.
10 Negative Sätze im going to future:
We are not going to go riding next weekend.
The models are not going to call their assistants.
Peter is not going to get up early tomorrow.
The pupils are not going to rehearse a play in the gymnasium.
I am not going to help you with that!
She is not going to eat something for one week.
We are not going to play volleyball in the sports club next Monday.
Next year I am not going to do judo anymore.
He is not going to sell his bike.
She isn’t going to win the match.
10 Positive Fragen im going to future:
Are you going to write a shopping list before we go shopping next Tuesday?
Is Helen going to go to the library next week?
Are you going to take photos when you are on holiday?
Is the museum going to close in February?
Are they going to walk to the city centre tomorrow?
Is Mr. Kaul going to be our Maths teacher next year?
Are you going to live in a small village?
Are you going to go abroad after school?
Are you going to move to France next year?
Is she going to walk in the mountains?
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10 Negative Fragen im going to future:
Why are you not goingt to go to Spain next year?
Is Steven not going to take the bus back home?
Why are you not going to do the dishes?
Why is Jane not going to go to church next Sunday?
Are they not going to share a room?
Is she not going to clean the kitchen table?
Are Nina and Sophie not going to feed their hamster?
Aren’t you going to spend some money on Christmas presents for your niece?
Why isn’t he going to go on a trip to NY?
Why aren’t you going to watch the new Harry Potter movie?
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Going to Future :
They call US
She buy a Computer
Hallo Elli,
ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Deinen Kommentar / Deine Frage richtig verstehe. Sollst Du aus diesen Wörtern Sätze im Going to future bilden?
Falls ja…
1. They are going to call us.
2. She is going to buy a computer.
I am going to get by boat one mile from the beach away to dive there tomorrow.
Bitte hilf mir mit dem Satz danke 🙂
Hi Ben,
Da bekomme ich ja einen Knoten ins Hirn 😀
Wie wäre es mit:
I am going to get away one mile from the beach by boat to dive there tomorrow.